Every job search, resume writing session and job interview will culminate in an important conversation – a conversation that will impact you, your wallet and your goals for the future. Yes, we are talking about the conversation with your hiring manager about your salary. Whether you’re born with the gift of the gab or an introvert who finds it difficult to get your point across especially to relative strangers, these useful phrases will come in handy for your salary negotiation process.
Once you’ve done your research on the industry rate for your job, from online and offline resources, decide on a salary range that you’ll be happy with receiving. What amount would make you walk away because it’s too low for you? Know what you’re worth before you sign on the dotted line.
Once the salary negotiation – either on the phone or in person – gets started, simply keep the conversation relaxed and have the following questions ready:
If the employer or hirer isn’t willing to tell you the salary that they’re offering, simply ask the above to start the ball rolling.
During the beginning of a job interview or a meeting with a recruiter, ask this question to get information of their salary offer before you negotiate.
In the instance the interviewer presses you for a number without letting you know any information; this is an excellent phrase to use.
If you meet resistance with the salary, ask if you can shorten the period that it takes for you to come up to a raise. This only takes a few minutes to negotiate. Allow the conversation to go back and forth but don’t make more than one offer in a row.
Once the interviewer has named his or her offer, use this phrase for a smooth transition into a negotiation.
If you wish to negotiate on the initial offer, this is another great phrase to start the conversation.
Another tactful phrase to respectfully ask for a higher salary.
If a better salary or compensation package is reached, make sure you get the details in writing to formalize the offer.
Remember, if you don’t negotiate for a higher salary, you’ll never have it. It may take some skill in getting what you want, but that doesn’t mean you need to be rude or overly aggressive. Keep the conversation simple and smile while asking for what you want.
Source : jobsdb Singapore